Clubbercise @ Birch Hill

Location: Birch Hill Primary School     Address: Leppington, Bracknell RG12 7WW, UK

Instructor: Zoe Paxton


If you like the idea of a fitness class that feels more like a night out than a workout you’ll LOVE Clubbercise®

Fun, easy-to-follow dance fitness routines using rave glow sticks*, in the dark with disco lights, to club anthems from 90′s classics to the latest chart hits.

Because of the high and low impact options Clubbercise dance fitness classes are great if you’re just starting out on a fitness regime or if you’re already a fitness freak!
*If you would like to purchase ofiicial Clubbercise glow sticks you can do so by clicking here ahead of the class. 

Class Date and Times

You can book in to a Class simply by clicking on the button below.

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